Changing the Rules

Episode 21: A Blueprint for Life Design, Tammi Brannan, guest

Episode Summary

We've observed that The Luckiest People in the World are living a life they designed for themselves. While this might sound obvious, actually doing it might not be as simple as one might think. Tammi Branan, creator of The Blueprint Process has some great steps to start you on your journey to becoming one of the Luckiest People in the World. Listen for some insightful tips on creating your own life blueprint.

Episode Notes

Diane Dayton  

This is changing the rules, a podcast about designing the life you want to live, hosted by KC Dempster and Ray Loewe, the luckiest guy in the world.

KC Dempster  

Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Changing the Rules. I'm KC Dempster. And I'm here with Ray Loewe on Wildfire Radio, talking to you about changing the rules. And all through our lives, people have been giving us rules. First, it was our parents then teachers jumped in, and then the church and employers and I'm sure there are a lot of other people who've been setting rules as well. And these rules were meant to control us, but usually in a positive way. They were meant to give us structure and guidance and to protect us. But over time, a lot of the rules lose their relevance for us and they can become restrictive. Our podcast, Changing the Rules is designed to help us build our own set of rules, those that are important to us and work for us. We all need a set of rules, but they need to be rules that that relate to what we're doing in our lives, our rules. And when we change the rules to our rules, we become free, free to be ourselves.

Ray Loewe  

and what's better than being free to be ourselves, I might add. Okay, so I'm Ray Loewe and I am the luckiest guy in the world. And I have been tracking and studying luckiest people in the world for most of my adult life. And I found out that changing the rules is one of the major sets of attributes, attitudes and actions that are part of what makes up the luckiest people in the world. So I'm the luckiest people in the world I've been infatuated with because there are these people always seem to have it all together. You know, and and even when you look at them, they have an aura of luck about them and they're the kind of people you want to hang out with. And they're the kind of people you want to be Some people think these people are naturally lucky on my research says this is not true. They're not born lucky at all. And what they've done is they've developed this set of attitude attributes and actions that are learned and develop and apply. And they're not naturally changing the rules is one of them. But there are more. Now I'm going to get tongue twisted a number of times here because we've introduced this concept of attitude, attributes and actions to three days. So I'm going to try and get right KC and you can jump in and correct me if I get it wrong. But what do you define the luckiest people in the world. I define them as those people that personally designed their own lives. They step in and take control of their own lives, and they live their own life to the max. And they use this set of attributes, attitudes and actions to do this. Today we're going to introduce a new attribute here. And what we're going to talk about is that the luckiest people in the world know what they want. That's an interesting concept if you start thinking about it, because if you don't know what you want, how are you ever going to get it? All right? If you don't know what you want, how you gonna know when you get there, and then I'm confounded by the fact that it's a complex world and how the heck do you know what you want?

KC Dempster  

Right? Yeah, there are a lot of choices.

Ray Loewe  

Okay, what's your choices? Well, we have a guest expert with us today. My name is Tammi Brannan And we're going to bring her on in a minute. And I have to tell you that she is one of the luckiest people in the world. Right now from the get go. And we're going to take a short break here so that everybody knows who they're listening to. And when we come back, we're going to introduce Tammi and she is going to just kind of tear this whole thing apart and make us understand

Diane Dayton  

You're listening to changing the rules with KC Dempster and Ray Loewe, the luckiest guy in the world. We will be right back with more exciting information.

Ray Loewe  

All right, I think we're back. You know, the short breaks are nice, but I think we have to tell everybody that they're listening to the right people. So Tammi Brannan, you're on the line. I hope. I Hi,

Tammi Brannan  

Ray. Hi, KC. How are you? Good to see you.

Good to see that you're in your cafe in Paris. That's lovely.

Ray Loewe  

You can see this the rest of the world we're on a podcast here so we're hiding. Right. And the beauty of this is, guess what? We don't have to have our hair done. You know, I don't know about you, ladies, but mine's getting pretty long and scraggly and usually I keep it shaved down to the bare metal Ah, but

KC Dempster  

he's going to have a mullet before we know it.

Ray Loewe  

Whatever. So Tammi is joining us from the great state of Oregon. Right?

Tammi Brannan  


Ray Loewe  

And we're at some ungodly hour in the morning there at this point in time, but but she's a farm girl. So she's awake, and she's with us. And Tammy, take a minute and tell us a little bit about this blueprint process. I could probably do it, but I'm not gonna do it as well as you do. And I have to say before you start, I'm the beneficiary of it. I've gone through it.

Tammi Brannan  

Well, it's interesting. You talked earlier about knowing what you want to be, that's what the blueprint process does. It helps you identify what it is that you want. You refer to me as a lucky one of the luckiest people in the world. And I very much appreciate that. And and I think it is because I know what I want, but it's taken me a long time. I'm 50 years old, and I started this process at 36 years old still not knowing what I wanted. And it's taken me up to this point. And I still feel like I've got more to go. And that's what's so exciting about life as an adventure is you're just constantly starting this feedback loop in your life where you know something, you learn something about yourself, you put it out there in your world, and it comes back to you is feedback and you recognize from that feedback, what fits and what doesn't fit. And then you, you try again, you put more back out there, and every time it's this evolutionary cycle that just continues to grow, and you get more and more clear on what you want, and how to be the luckiest person in your own life.

Ray Loewe  

You know, I think one of the problems with this is when you talk about people knowing what they want, is it's not a static thing. So I really think you just sit down and you plan and you figure out what I want, and then it kind of stays there. And that's not true at all right?

Tammi Brannan  

Right. Right, that leads to stagnation, which we know there's really no such thing as stagnation. You're either growing or you're dying. Right, right?

Ray Loewe  

Yeah. Okay, so So when you look at this and you, you say, how do you start? So? So? That's the question. How do you start? I don't know what to say.

Tammi Brannan  

Yeah, it's it's an enigma, isn't it? I mean, it feels like we should know, you know, we go through 12 years of education and sometimes even more you think that we would know we would come to this planet with some kind of owner's manual where it's super clear what our blueprint is and what we want in our lives and so forth. But I think that process of learning and discovering as necessary, we get some tough skin along the way, we get some humility along the way. And we learn more and more about ourselves. As you pointed out, it's an ongoing thing. I do have some what I refer to as blueprint hacks that do help a person self study, but it is challenging to do so. We are so close to who we are It is hard to see the forest for the trees. And so it takes outside perspectives to look in on us and help us really identify how we are unique in a sea of humanity.

KC Dempster  

Yeah, I know, personally that I'm, you know, I'm a little bit older than you are. And growing up, I don't know if it was societal or cultural. But you, you were not necessarily encouraged to care about what you wanted. You were supposed to follow these rules, and, you know, follow the societal blueprint. And you know, it's really hard sometimes. And I think that the even people that are younger than I am still faced it or are facing it, because it's just a mindset that a lot of people have is that you have to, you know, you're you're you are this and this is what you need to do. Yep.

Tammi Brannan  

Yep. Well said, it really goes well with the whole introduction that you gave about rules and other people setting rules for us. I mean, and like you said, it's well intentioned, but from our parents, to pastors to older siblings to school, there's just the sense that there's this model that you're supposed to fit in. And even after school, you're supposed to go to college or get married and have 2.3 Kids white picket fence job until you're 60. And then, you know, all that crud and, and it's hard to gain the confidence that you know what, now, in order to be the luckiest person in the world, you have to challenge those rules. You have to say which of these all of these really fit me and work for me?

KC Dempster  

Yeah, that's great. Okay,

Ray Loewe  

so how do we do this? So you know, you've gotten rid of one myth and that makes me feel better and I think it makes everybody feel better. It's it you don't sit down and decide who you are what you want. You just don't do that. You make some guesses at it. So what what's the process to start? Here I am I have no idea. Take me under your Land start with me.

Tammi Brannan  

All right. So first of all, I would say gain that confidence that in order to be the luckiest person in the world, you have to find your own way. And that is a little scary, that can be a little daunting, and recognize that not everybody does that, right? That's why they don't do it. Because it is kind of daunting to fly in the face of what everyone is telling you is right for you. How do they know? So recognizing, first of all, that you are your own genius, and you do know you can figure it out? So my super easy blueprint hack is Watch Your energy. Where does it spike? Where does it tank. If you watch that, you can literally do a diary tracking not only activities, but also relationships, obligations, volunteer, everything that you do in your life, from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed, track your energy, and real simply, I have people ranking on a scale of zero to five, five, being energy's really high after doing this particular activity. or interacting with this person, my energy is super high, all the way to zero which is oh my gosh, when can this thing and I drained of all joy right now. So zero to five then if you do that for honestly, the longer you do it the better, you know, but I say at least like a week to get a pretty good sense. And again, you're tracking personal professional, volunteer activities, relationships, everything. And then once you get this data, you can start to see a pattern where your energy is spiking or maintaining high at high level. It's an indicator to you that you're in what athletes often refer to as the zone. Okay, because each of us has a zone. It's not just those professional, highly paid athletes, all of us have a zone and it is in our blueprint when we're using our natural stuff. We're in our zone and our energy is maintained at a high level. So when you're trying racking that energy you can see when you're using your blueprint. And when you're not. And to become the luckiest person in the world, all you got to do is rearrange your life just slowly, one bite at a time, just like you'd eat an elephant. Right? just slowly get to a place where at least 80% of your day is in fours and fives on that scale.

Ray Loewe  

Wow. So I have to eat an elephant as part of this process. Yeah.

Tammi Brannan  

Yeah, one bite at a time, right? You can handle that.

Ray Loewe  

Okay, so if I'm sitting here and I'm saying, okay, I want to kickstart my life. There's, there's something that's not right here. I've been living under everybody else's rules all my life. They've been telling me what to do. And it's okay. I'm living their life and I don't have to think too much, right. I just do what everybody tells me to do, but it's not very fun now. So when I'm doing this, why energy is probably not the bottom right. I track this at a start tabulating where I see these spikes. Okay, then what?

Tammi Brannan  

Yeah. So what you're looking for is you're basically like a scientist studying yourself. So you got to kind of dawn that lab coat and that monocle and look from the outside in. So you're studying the data to look for what your blueprint actually is to give you insights on how to start, basically reconstructing your life. You can also look at yourself like a contractor who's doing a remodeling on a building, you're remodeling your life one room at a time. So if there's a relationship where your energy is really tanking, look at it objectively, if possible, like a scientist and study ask yourself because this is exactly what I did for me, is I asked myself what is missing in this relationship that makes my energy tank or what is missing in this job that's making my energy tank Just by studying anything that's ranking three or lower, is indicative of something that needs to change. And by studying the fours and fives, and studies the threes in low studying the threes and lowers, you can start to identify characteristics that are in the fours and fives and apply them to the things that are ranking three or lower. And basically what you're doing is you're starting to understand who you are, again, where your zone is, and how you can you'll get ideas, you'll get these little tiny steps that you can take that will take those threes and lower ranking and slowly next step them up to the fours and fives.

Ray Loewe  

Okay, so so once you observe all this, that's kind of part one, you figure out who you are and what makes you tick and what excites you. Why right there, what excites you? Yeah, and the whole idea is get rid of the drop dead, dead tears you down, start working more on the things that excite you, okay, so that's great, but now we have the whole rest of the world, telling us You can't do that. Right? Absolutely. Yep. So, so we have to make a change here. And, you know, I can see right now we're going to need about 10 podcasts with you not getting, we're not going to get enough time to do this. So I think what we're going to do is the mission that we learned in this particular adventure with you is that you track your energy, you see what excites you, what doesn't you make a list, and that starts to set out where you want to go. What? What is step one in designing your own life?

Tammi Brannan  

right? Absolutely. Amen.

Ray Loewe  

Okay. All right. KC, do you have any last questions because we're getting up against a ton of work here.

KC Dempster  

No, I don't. I think that this is really helpful. And I guess the the hardest thing is to kind of open people's minds. So hopefully the series is going to do that.

Ray Loewe  

Okay, so I think what we're going to do is we're going to end this particular session now, and we're going to have you back and we're going to record several of these. And in fact, I think what we're going to try to do is do one so that we can hear them back to back here, cuz Ah, Tammy wisdom is good wisdom. Ray, I'm honored. Okay, so show Tammy, thank you for being with us today. And Bobby back with Morgan information.

Diane Dayton  

You're listening to changing the rules with Casey Dempster and Ray Loewe the luckiest guy in the world. We will be right back with more exciting information.

KC Dempster  

Welcome back, everybody. And I wanted to take a minute to say that the luckiest people aren't born lucky. We've agreed on that. But they do live exciting and fulfilling lives. We believe it's because they've made the commitment to learn how to be lucky, but it's not just enough to To make the one time commitment, it's a continuing process. It's a journey. And sometimes even lucky people get hit by life events that derail their journey and they need. I'm sorry to say this a rope of hope to get out of limbo. The nature of being lucky in itself creates change. Most lucky people look to continuously expand their opportunities and their lives. This means meeting new lucky people sharing experiences, and learning from the experts and adjusting their own lives. So Ray, how do you learn to be lucky and stay lucky?

Ray Loewe  

Well, the first thing you do is learn about the rope of hope. You mean Oh, yeah, I put that in there on purpose because I thought that would die that derail you this morning and add a little levity to our, our podcast. But what we're talking about here is to stay lucky and be lucky. You have to do some things and we've set this all out for you. So the first thing you want to do is subscribe and really changing the rules. And you're going to hear people like Tammy, one of the luckiest people in the world. And she's going to talk to you about how she changed your life. And and what are the things that she did to become luckier and luckier and luckier. And then the next thing you're going to do is you're going to target our friends connection of that. Right now, we're not doing a real French Connection event this year, we usually do a big one day workshop, where we get the luckiest people in the world together. And we exchange ideas and we we get some great speakers in to keep us on track for being lucky and lucky or unlucky or, but we are doing some virtual ones. And you're going to want to stay tuned and go to our website to do that. We'll give you that address in a couple minutes. We also do every year French travel connection. That's a trip where we actually get a chance to go and see the world through the eyes of other lucky people as well as ourselves. It's an amazing An amazing event is being postponed because of our virus right now a little bit, but we're going to bring it back with a vengeance. We have several books that can help you get started. And you can take one of our discovery session courses, which will help you become lucky and luckier and luckier. But the big thing is stay tuned to www the luckiest guy in the And that's where you can get updates on things and stay tuned to changing the rules where next week we'll be back with a great guest one of the luckiest people in the world, and he or she are going to tell you what to do to become luckier and luckier and luckier. So we'll see you next week, everybody.

Diane Dayton  

Thank you for listening to changing the rules, a podcast designed to help you live your life the way you want, and give you what you need to make it happen. Join us in two weeks Our next exciting topics on changing the rules with KC Dempster and Ray Loewe the luckiest guy in the world.