Changing the Rules

Episode 23: Meet a Man Who Finds Happiness Through Clowning, John Freeman, guest

Episode Summary

We revisit the concept of choosing to be happy. People want to be happy and want to be with happy people. But sometimes we have to choose to be happy and make the effort. Today's guest shares how he finds happiness by making others happy. His side gig is as a clown. Learn about the history of clowns and how clowning has worked for John.

Episode Notes


Diane Dayton  

This is changing the rules, a podcast about designing the life you want to live, hosted by KC Dempster and Ray Loewe the luckiest guy in the world.

KC Dempster  

Good morning, everybody. It's a beautiful day here in New Jersey. I'm KC Dempster. And here with me is Ray Loewe, the self proclaimed luckiest guy in the world, and we have a very interesting guest for you but I'm not going to spill the beans just yet. It's It's a gorgeous day we have no humidity, bright sunshine, blue sky. All is good. So we found that through our lives, people have always been giving us rules. First it was our parents then it was our teachers and maybe if we're belongs to a church, it's the church. And then as we get older, it's our employers and and, you know, the list keeps going. And the rules are probably instituted initially for a positive reason. They're meant to control us, but in a positive way. And they were meant to give us structure and guidance and to keep us safe. But over time, a lot of these rules lose their significance to us and they can actually become restrictive. So this podcast is designed to help us build our own set of rules, those that are important to us and work for us and we all need that. We need rules that are relevant to us. And when we change the rules to our rules, they we become free for you to be be ourselves. Good morning, Ray.

Ray Loewe  

Thank you, KC and I am really the real luckiest guy in the world this this, you know, self proclaimed stuff is for the birds. And and by the way, the weather report was wrong. It's going to rain later.

KC Dempster  

Are you trying to rain on my parade?

Ray Loewe  

And our guest is going to show us how it doesn't matter. So anyway, this whole thing about changing the rules is one of the major mindset part of a group of people that I call the luckiest people in the world. And, you know, I started studying the luckiest people in the world early in my adult life. And I've just continued year after year and, and and why and I think it's because secretly I want to become one of the luckiest people in the world. I like the way their life comes together. And these are the people that always seem to have it together. And they have this aura of luck about them. Now, to be clear, these are not the people that are winning the lottery necessarily. I mean, they're lucky too but but I don't think they have the same depth of luck that the people that we're talking about have, and people aren't born lucky. They have a series of mindsets that they learn. And I'd like to take a minute right now and define the luckiest people in the world as I see them. And they are those people that personally designed their own lives. They step in and take control of their own lives. And then they live their lives to the hilt. And they use this set of mindsets to do that. And changing the rules is one of the mindsets. We're going to talk about another one today, and there's a whole sequence of them and the luckiest guys, luckiest people in the world again, are not born lucky you they kind of learned as they go.

So, um, let me uh, without introducing our guest, because I'm not allowed to do that yet. Right. Okay, say

KC Dempster  

yes. Because we're following rules today.

Ray Loewe  

Yeah, we're following somewhat anyway. So we're going to talk today about a mindset that I think is extremely important. We've talked about it before, it's happiness. And, you know, I think most people in the world would rather be happy than not, I certainly would, uh, and I think I want to hang around with those people that are happy. I don't want to hang around with those people that are miserable all day. Long. But the luckiest people in the world have found a way they have a system kind of, and they've created the power to be happy for themselves. And that's what our guest is going to talk about. So I think what we need to do is to take a short break. And then when we come back, I will let you introduce our guest. And then I got a whole bunch of great questions about how to be happy, why it's important, what we want to do with it and all those good things.

Diane Dayton  

You're listening to changing the rules with KC Dempster and Ray Loewe the luckiest guy in the world. We will be right back with more exciting information.

KC Dempster  

Welcome back, everybody. We are right back and I have the pleasure of introducing gentlemen that made me laugh the minute he came on to this Skype call because he had a red nose on. I'm introducing you to john Freeman, who in his serious life is a financial advisor, but in his true life It's an even bigger red nose he is a professional clown. Welcome, john.

John Freeman  

Good morning. How are you guys doing? We're doing.

Ray Loewe  

We're much happier since you've been on the line. How's that?

John Freeman  

works that works. I'll pick it up.

Ray Loewe  

So I've known you for a long time. And let me relate an experience that I had with you A while ago to kind of set this off. JOHN and I were in a coaching group together and we've had these long drawn out sessions they took all day. And by the end of the day, you were pretty well wiped out and drained and any happiness it started at the end of the day was still kind of there, but it was kind of tucked away. And john came in during a break and he passed out a red nose to everybody in the group. And all I can say is when people came in, everybody put that nose on, and it changed the whole demeanor of the group. It was absolutely incredible how the group morphed, so So john, tell us a little bit about how you got involved in this clown stuff.

John Freeman  

During the getting ready for this, you asked me about being a professional clown, quite professional clown means I got paid once. I think it was about a buck or 50 cents. About 30 years ago, the church we were in, started a clown ministry for for kids, which my daughter got involved in, and I couldn't understand why they didn't open it up for adults, but they didn't. So about 15 years ago, I saw a flyer that talked about a free conference for people that are interested in magic or clowning or balloons for ventriloquism and face painting. And I said, Well, I've always kind of had an interest in clowning. So I went and I got hooked. So I've been doing it off and on. Sometimes pretty seriously, sometimes just occasionally 15 years.

Ray Loewe  

Okay, now, we cheated. We You went to one of our cocktail gatherings with a small group of people and you let it spill that there are actually what four different kinds of clowns? So tell us a little bit about this history and what went on and then and then we'll get into how you make people happy.

John Freeman  

The the main for those of you that don't like clowns usually don't like a white face clown. And I always blame it on Stephen King movies. But a white face clown is the top of the pyramid for clowning. And the exception of that is the ringmaster of a circus. He's technically a whie face clown but they're always not made up. But they're the boss. They do everything. white face clown as a clown, extremely popular Europe and Mexico. They're very elaborate. The white face clowns we see here United States mostly are like Bozo the Clown and the scary clowns of Stephen King, but they also can be like my daughter who is a little balloonist? That handed out balloons to kids and in white face. So literally everything in your face, your neck is on white. And today's world is a lot less makeup than what 15 or 20 years ago was. But they're they control. They're the bosses of the clown. Some of the ringmaster so you don't mess with a white white face could tease another white face but the other levels cannot because they're at the top of  the pyramid. The next level is called a auguste, which is August with an E stands and for fool. That's what most people relate to because this is Carol Burnett, the Red Skeltons most clowns are, they're tripping over their own feet because the big shoes or just because they're clumsy. And they're in bright clothing or unit clothing but they're they're just fun. And so a lot of people like being fun and being happy. So a lot of clowns are auguste that's really the bulk of it. Count them as the least expensive get into as the most fun because it used to be just nuts. The lower level consists of the hobos and the tramps, and tramps are normally quiet. A lot of times our minds think of Charlie Chaplin, who never said anything in costume. And hobos. The legacy of Red Skelton when he's doing what he had actually had seven different characters. The hobo and the tramp, basically, he has white around their eyes and whitet around their mouth. And that's because they started around in United States both of this around the depression time. And during the Depression, a lot of men rode the rails and if you want to get a rail car once you usually get into it right behind the coal train Which means you got coal all over your face so they wiped their eyes to see and their mouth to eat and so that's why the eyes are white in the mouth are white because the coal dust. then I have my personal costume and I have I am an auguste character called Huckleberry and then I have a hobo and I also have a tramp and a fourth character which I think is hilarious but kids don't like I have do a female character in a gray wig with pink curlers on top. And it came with a butt, and I usually use that as my boobs, and of course, they're always adjusting their boobs. So the kids don't get that. That look adults think its hilarious.

KC Dempster  

Yeah, so so would your female character be auguste or would she be a tramp or hobo?

John Freeman  

Auguste, okay. I could make into either character, but it wouldn't work as well. Because think of a worse house dress your mother or grandmother ever wore. That's what you want to see me in. Yeah, I actually have fishnet stockings and I have little brown yarn that can stick in there for long hair if I really want to be over the top.

Ray Loewe  

So, so which one is your favorite?

John Freeman  

I prefer I prefer the tramp. But I they have me mostly as as a hobo. And if I if I really if I'm doing a lot of kids stuff, I'll come into my neon tux. And I'm an auguste character, which is a very bright looking character the do a lot of that in Mexican churches because they like to bright colors. And so it attracts a lot of attention. And so that's their favorite my favorites just rather be in the in the sideline, so the hobos and tramps fit my clown character better but I don't get to play very often.

Ray Loewe  

Okay, now Is there a difference in mood when you put on a different costumes? I may not do anything inside you?.

John Freeman  

Yeah, it's a start off with the nose, the nose. This is just a red foam nose. And they come smaller, but this is a big one. And KC's just smiling great big right now and Ray's just looking at me like I'm  crazy. But I carry these with me. And Ray and I used to meet in Chicago. And a lot of times where in the airport, you're sitting around with people that are just not having fun. They're waiting and grumpy and I pulled out red noses. And in the kids would look at you and some would want some. Some parents would say are you really nuts, but the fun people really thought they were great. So I handed out lots of red noses at O'Hare airport Yeah, this is a professional red nose. You'll see it'ss and I'll see ya is big. Then you have a little smaller nose. That's right there. So a lot of noses nowadays are just covering little peak here. A lot of women will have that here. This is cute. But when people think a clown to think of a red nose, they go to the eyes and the mouth for the red nose is is a signature piece of the clown thing. I'll be by getting dressed up if I'm dressed up in the auguste character, which is the neon tux and just think of bright yellow greens, oranges, pinks. In a full tux vest on etc. You're just you're there you're gonna be happy because people say "Oh Wow! It's a clown!"  Next start talking costume being a tramp. The mood changes Because tramps are sad. So what's the different Ray? What's the difference between a hobo and the tramp? In the answer is a hobo never had money at the depression. A trap had money and lost it. So the tramp's are melancholy. And hobos are happy because they're just, they're out of work, but they were out of work or poor before.

KC Dempster  

So Emmett Kelly, he always looked sad, but he didn't he wear white face.

John Freeman  

No, he was he had a he had a great black beard. All right. And there's only one picture of him smiling in costume, and that's for his granddaughter. Ah, for bet he basically sued the newspaper for printing it. Hmm. But if you go into a into a museum that has a lot of old black and white clown stuff, they may have that picture.

Ray Loewe  

Okay, so so when you dress up first of all, how long does it take you to put on all this clown gear when you when you get moving?

John Freeman  

If you do full makeup, it's 40-45 minutes. I've had a good friend of mine the clowns a lot that he's an auguste and he's, he does everything blended. And he's literally working three, four days a week. It still takes him 40 minutes. Yeah, they take it takes 15-20 minutes, to get it off.

Ray Loewe  

So so if you're in a bad mood when you wake up in the morning, the concept of putting on full clown gear is not necessarily going to be what you want to do with the red nose work. So isn't that

John Freeman  

To be honest, take that a little more seriously. I have done early morning gigs. And you don't want to get out of bed and shower. As soon as you start getting into it. Your mood changes because you know you're going to be this other character. So automatically you're in that character and one of the rules of clowndom  is once you're made up, you're in character 24/ seven. So like one time I went to an ice cream parlor after I worked. And I wanted to take my hat my wig off because like 95 degrees out, I couldn't, because you would break the rules of clowndom. And people just think it's strange. If you're partial, you have to be full. But you're driving down the street with your hat on and your makeup on and red nose, either people, some people, we've actually had some people that just don't get it. And the people that don't get it, Ray, are having a hard time being happy.

Ray Loewe  

Yeah, and to some of them, you actually transform some of them. Yeah, but you can't get all of them, right.

John Freeman  

No, no. And as you find that out, whenever you do a gig, you're looking for the people that want to want to enjoy the show and want to enjoy you want to have fun, and they will occasionally pull their buddies around. It's really really funny when you do a kids one And the other parents in the way back the room and they're drinking coffee or some other drink they're not supposed to drink in front of kids, and they're ignoring you, but all sudden, they start getting pulled in. And I've been at some shows that I've had people go out get their, their husband or their wife back in from the pool, come back in and see the show, because that's how much they enjoyed the change.

Ray Loewe  

So two quick things. Does it make you happy to make other people happy?

John Freeman  

Yes. Yes, very much. So.

Ray Loewe  

Okay, so part of the process is in making other people happy, you become happy. That's a win win. And the other thing is, I think I'm gonna let this out. The size of the smiles is directly proportional to the

John Freeman  

size of the note.

This red nose here, brings on a great big smile on KC's face here. right here, which is just Just curious. I was okay. But it is not as much fun.

Ray Loewe  

So unfortunately john, we're at the end of our time over here, so we're gonna have to cut you off. But But thanks to john Freeman for being with us today and making us happy at least okay. And and john is very definitely one of the luckiest people in the world. I may have to put on his clown outfit to make it work, but whatever works, right, again, thanks. Thanks for being with us. And, KC, what do we have in store coming forward?

KC Dempster  

Well, I just want to remind everybody of what we said earlier, the luckiest people in the world aren't born lucky but they do live exciting and fulfilling lives. And it's because they make the commitment they they choose to be lucky. And it's not enough to make a one time commitment. You have to do it continually. It's it's a journey, and sometimes life events might derail you and we reach out with a rope of hope to them through our podcasts and some of the other things that we have to help them get out of that that Limbo of feeling unlucky. And so we love meeting new lucky people and sharing experiences and learning from the experts and adjusting their lives and Ray tell people how we help them to get lucky.

Ray Loewe  

We're just we're just going to scrap everything, you know, we're going to give out clown noses to everybody. I think after the show, I just think it's fascinating that you know, you can put on a nose it just changes your demeanor of the whole day. And, wow. Okay, so so john Freeman, one of the luckiest people in the world, again, has just figured out how to transform himself into happiness. And I think it's a really important lesson that we all need to have and we're going to get john he doesn't know that yet. But, but he's going to be at our our friends connection conference, the next time we do it. We're gonna hand out clown noses, and I have no idea what we're going to do, but it'll be a lot of fun. So, we'll see you guys next week, right?

KC Dempster  

Yes, join us for a great podcast when we're gonna have another one of the luckiest people in the world. So we'll see you then. Thank you for listening

Diane Dayton  

to changing the rules, a podcast designed to help you live your life the way you want, and give you what you need to make it happen. Join us in two weeks for our next exciting topics on changing the rules with KC Dempster and Ray love the luckiest guy in the world.