Changing the Rules

Episode 79: Pivoting a Business and Continuing On, Guest, President Jeff Lincoln

Episode Summary

This week our coffee guru, "President" Jeff Lincoln joined us. Jeff talked with us about how he pivoted his coffee business during the pandemic shut down from in-person to online. During that time Jeff created online coffee tasting events, gift baskets, and online coffee sales. Our very own Ray Loewe sent Passero's coffee gift baskets to his family members at Christmas and Jeff provided an online event for Ray and his family. Jeff also talks about the inspiration he received by attending our virtual coffee and cocktail events along with listening to our podcasts.

Episode Notes

Guest Co-host:  Kris Parsons:

Kris' website:

Podcast guest:  Jeff Lincoln:

Jeff's website:


Podcast Transcription:

Kris Parsons00:02

Welcome to changing the rules, a weekly podcast about people who are living their best life and how you can figure out how to do it too. Join us with your lively host Ray Loewe, better known as the luckiest guy in the world.

Ray Loewe00:16

Good morning, everybody, and welcome to scenic Woodbury, New Jersey. We're here in the wildcast podcasting studios with our engineer Taylor, and he's keeping us straight and honest. And we have a great guest today. A great guest. We are talking to President Lincoln. And we're bringing him well you know, we needed a lot of coffee to get him up and running over here. And that's our subject for the day coffee. And Kris, in her lead into this thing always talks about lively guest. Actually, I'm over-caffeinated.

Kris Parsons00:53

I could tell Yeah, that's because you call it wild cast podcasting, it's wildfire podcasting.

Ray Loewe01:00

So we're gonna let Kris Parsons and Jeff Lincoln talk in a minute. But before that, I have to do a quick introduction. Because we're all about something called changing the rules. And you know, during our lives, everybody always feeds us rules, because they want us to live our lives their way. And it gets to the point where if you really want to be free, and do it your way, you have to figure out how to deal with everybody else's rules. Now we need rules because we have to have some sort of stability in our life. But the idea is that if you sift in sort, you can get your rules. And if you get your rules, you can live your own life, and be one of the luckiest people in the world. So that's what we're all about. And Kristine. Kristine of Parsons PR, why don't you introduce yourself, Kristine is our co-host this month. And during the next Actually, we have three podcasting sessions, which are going to be six podcasts. And Kristine is helping put it together and she will be on-site in the studio helping interview. And these are great people, most of which are longtime friends of hers. So give us a brief introduction on you. And then let's bring in President Lincoln.

Kris Parsons02:19

Yes, thank you. Right, and it's good. It's good to be back. It's good to be back in the studio, talking to you seeing you even though we are a little socially distanced just still. But yeah, it's great. And this month, our focus, we kind of have a theme this month, we're bringing back people that have already been interviewed on changing the rules, they've already done a podcast. So we encourage you to go back to our website, the luckiest people in the world, and find these interviews and hear them again, because they first of all, they sound better the second time. And we're trying to kind of see how the people that we interviewed before how they were changed or how they use some of the tools that we've been giving them with changing the rules podcast with our morning coffee hours and cocktail hours. Actually, Jeff Lincoln has been a big part of our coffee hours. I'm gonna lead right into him. Jeff right now, just so you know. I'll save this in case there's any traffic noise. Jeff is actually on what the turnpike Jeff right now heading to Lake Placid.

Jeff Lincoln03:18

Yeah, highway 87 in the Adirondacks. So

Kris Parsons03:23

there you go. So see how this is how wonderfully committed he is. He's taking time out of his vacation to meet all of you. It's how smart he is.

Ray Loewe03:32

You know, we're sitting in a dingy studio here with fluorescent lighting. True. And he's out in the wilds.

Kris Parsons03:40

Right? That's right. Well, he's right. He's still on the highway in the wild yet. All right. Let's talk coffee. Let's talk coffee. Well, Jeff Lincoln. If you any of you remember from the podcast, he's the founder of Passero's Coffee Roasters. It was founded in 1990. He opened his first shop in suburban train station in Philly. And he's added more. He grew up in northern Northern California and he moved to Philadelphia after falling in love with the Jersey girl who's driving the car right now. Linda Passero, hence the Passero's coffee. So we have had some wonderful talks with Jeff and I think what we want to talk about today is how Passero's Coffee pivoted a little bit. And also how Jeff by participating in some of our events and activities has gotten some more what inspiration, Jeff, you'd say?

Jeff Lincoln04:31

Yeah, definitely. First of all, good to be on with you guys. Ray and Kris? Always, uh, always a pleasure to be in your company. Yeah. You know, do you know Ray, I think in the introduction that people should go back and, and listen to some of the other podcasts. I got to tell you, you know, being on with you guys and seeing other people and hearing other people you know, has been inspiring, during, you know, this is a very challenging year and a half we've all gone through, for my business, it's been really, really hard because I've had most of my retail shops closed during this entire period. And so it  has been one of those times where, you know, hearing and talking to other people and you know, just discussing stuff really helped me as an owner, and, you know, I've been focused so much on retail, because we have three, you know, really busy shops or they used to be busy and soon will be again, we hope. But you know, what do you do? What do you do when your business of 30 years gets kind of stopped in its tracks. And so, you know, changing lives certainly gave me a focus on hearing other people's stories and, you know, discussing stuff on the coffee connection, that I've been on a few different times with those folks. You know, it's just it's been an inspiration to help me kind of develop our online business that we'd never had as well as our wholesale side of our business. 

Ray Loewe06:10

Well, you know, there's an expression that when the tough when the going gets tough, the luckiest people in the world get going.

Kris Parsons06:18

Or they have coffee.

Ray Loewe06:21

And they start by drinking coffee. Right.

Jeff Lincoln06:26

Certainly, I agree.

Kris Parsons06:28

And I know, I think what we did learn, and actually, Ray even took advantage of it was you used this time to focus on your online business, which you already were thinking about. But this gave you a little impetus to kind of strengthen that because everybody was online during this COVID time.

Jeff Lincoln06:45

Yeah, 100%

Ray Loewe06:46

Let me throw out a couple of things that are important. And they'll add to our discussion. So I remember a long ago, we had you were on as our guest for coffee and we're sitting around with a group of, you know, 10, or 12 of us online. And somebody said, Gee, we should do a coffee tasting, I've never been to one. So what Jeff did is he went back into his creative genius, and pulled out a virtual coffee tasting event, right. And I know I took that virtual coffee tasting event. And I did a family event. And I have kind of an eclectic family. I mean, you know, we all like each other, but we don't talk to each other that much. And we did this great coffee thing, which Jeff led, and we shipped out some coffee. And you know, coffee isn't about drinking the stuff that comes from beans. It's about the experience that comes with it. And Jeff, that's what your business has always been. So tell us a little bit more about where you're going to go with some of this stuff and then Kristine, you can introduce our November six thing.

Jeff Lincoln07:55

right? Well, yeah, without a doubt, pre-COVID. You know, we would have not only educational coffee tastings up at our roasting facility in Port Richmond, just north of Center City, Philadelphia. But you know, through some of those discussions, it was like, well, gosh, we're zooming, why don't we do you know, some online coffee tastings for, you know, for different people like yourself Ray, for family events, or for businesses that want to try to bring their people together. And so we've done it that way. There's online at we do have a what's called a coffee adventure tasting kit where people can order that and that takes them actually to a YouTube video that I walk them through a coffee tasting of the coffee that's been delivered to them. So there's a variety of ways we do it. And you know, it's a great way, in this time where we're, you know, not in person as much as we have been to, you know, do something fun, do something different and bring people together. Because coffee is about community.

Ray Loewe09:03

It is. So, let's go back a little bit and we'll recreate trauma in your life and stress, Jeff. So we had this day not too long ago when one day your coffee shops were all open. They were all flourishing. You had your busy, so busy, you couldn't think other than about how to get the coffee made and sold. And then kind of what happened and what went through your head. And then what were some of the corrections that you made as we went and because you're back and you know, maybe you're not back to the extent that you want but things are going to be different and better when you're done, I think

Jeff Lincoln09:48

Well, you know, I've been in the retail side of this business for 30 years. I started when I was very young. I'll just put that out there and You know, we're in downtown Philadelphia commuters in the train station and large buildings. So we had, you know, excellent locations with lots of people and lots of demand. And they were, you know, really busy little cafes, and then boom, you know, we're told, well, we all everybody, were not going to close everything down for two to three weeks. Because that was the plan.

Kris Parsons10:25

Just two to three weeks.

Jeff Lincoln10:27

Yeah, exactly. Here we are 18 plus months later, and, you know, I've got one of my shops has been open for a year and the other one, we just reopened a month ago. And the third one down in Train Station still is not reopened, hopefully, September 7, we'll get that one going again, as well as people, start to return. But this has, this period has allowed me the time to look outside the retail side of this business, and then the online selling coffee online for people at home or businesses and then really focusing more on pushing our great coffee because we really do have amazing organic coffees that we roast, you know, here in Philly to get them out to some restaurants and some other you know, cafes. And so it's given me You know, it really has been an opportunity. That's what you have to, you know, have to do. That's the whole idea of pivot. And, where else can you look to do you know what you're doing, but in a different way?

Kris Parsons11:28

And I'm certainly grateful because it also gave you the time to actually appear on our podcasts, and then get to know this community as well because that has been the problem, people are just so busy, that they don't have the time to be on these different shows to inform others. And then like you said, You've just now been introduced to a new community, the luckiest people in the world community and hopefully, the networking that we've done with you and that actually leads to more brainstorming that we have the beauty of these, not only the podcast but these Thursday morning coffee hours and the Thursday afternoon cocktail hours is it's almost like going to a bar and having the networking that you do normally when you're in business. So we've been doing it very early. And it's a lot cheaper to buy drinks at the bar.

Ray Loewe12:19

So one of the events that Jeff came up with, you know, he kind of badgered us a little bit but on November 6, we're going to create an event and hopefully, it will be live. And guess what, if it won't be live, we'll do in any way and we'll find a way to because that's what we've learned. So we're going to your coffee roasting facilities, kind of explain what we're going to go through Jeff,

Kris Parsons12:44

Where's that again?

Jeff Lincoln12:47

Sure it's again, up in the Port Richmond section of Philadelphia, it's on 100 years old, old, beautiful brick building. And we've got not only our area where we do our roasting, and you know, I'm gonna tour people through that and kind of explain, you know, the steps of roasting but certainly talk about how coffee is developed and cultivated and what all the hard, hard work that the farmers put in to get really high-quality coffees. And then from there we're actually going to you know, do an actual safe cupping a little different than we had done in the past because of course we can all slurp out of the same cup anymore for safety reasons but it won't take it away you know, that won't change things at all the ideas if we're able to do it in person it'll be just wonderful because you know you when you're tasting coffees side by side you really are able to see the difference in taste the difference between the different coffees because every coffee has a different flavor profile and it's exciting to get people you know excited about wow I can really taste the fruit in this one or the chocolate in that one.

Kris Parsons14:00

You can smell it if we're in person right.

Jeff Lincoln14:02

yeah 100 100%

Ray Loewe14:05

you know, coffee has made a journey in and of itself. I think I remember going back to college. I've always been a big coffee drinker. But the difference was that pre-college it was you know, you just brew a cup of coffee in a pot that was overheated and burned and you slopped in some milk and sugar or whatever it was and you drank it and it wasn't an experience it was just the event of getting hot water and hot fluid into you and becoming caffeinated so that you can study right. right. right. Right and look what's happened and I guess probably go to give Starbucks the biggest chunk of credit just because they promoted it better than anybody else. But a coffee went from 50 cents a cup to what, 4 or $5 a cup and we love paying for it isn't that amazing?

Kris Parsons15:02

It's become an art now. And like now it's that you know, we have wine tastings, we now have coffee tastings. And I just think this is such a clever idea. You know that Ray took advantage of this for Christmas. Well, we've got another Christmas coming up. And what a cool idea to instead of sending, you know, the same old gifts over and over again, send them a coffee basket, and then use that opportunity to talk with your family about the coffee tasting. And it's wonderful and Jeff can be there to break up any family fights.

Ray Loewe15:31

If you've got a big enough family, Jeff will be there, right? But otherwise, you go to the web and the videos are there. But you know, this was amazing. Because here was a kit that went on to every one of my family members, it had three little bags of coffee in it, I believe. They were all different. We did a little homework in advance of we decided who had grinders at home and who needed ground coffee. And then Jeff showed us how to brew it by the cup. Where we did coffee, slurping I love it. Now my mother used to get really mad at me when I slurped my coffee. But with Jeff It's okay. Yeah, right?

Kris Parsons16:11

That's right. it's because you're changing the rules.

Ray Loewe16:17

So this is just a neat kind of thing, you know, and if you've never done a coffee tasting like this, I think the experience is just amazing. Because it gives you an appreciation much more than you can get by just going in and talking to the barista and getting the flavor of the week or whatever it is. And it's helped me appreciate what I used to take for granted like everything else,

Kris Parsons16:42

which is I think, has happened this whole year. Hmm. 

Ray Loewe16:45

So Jeff, any other comments you want to make about your adventure through this whole period of time and focus a little bit on what you're going to change going forward? I know you're going to go back and open the shops, but what are you going to do that's different over and above that?

Jeff Lincoln17:04

Well, on the retail front, you know, we've always been about creating a community, even though we're downtown, the reality is with the commuters, we would see our customers five days a week. So we were able to build up relationships. And that's always been a kind of a keystone of Passero's success and appeal, not only great, you know, locally roasted organic coffees, and so that part isn't going to change. But the idea that a lot of people aren't going to be coming in five days a week anymore. And so, again, trying to get them to, you know, take the coffee home when they're working from home, you know, and either buy it online or buy it at the shop. And so that, you know, it's kind of an extension, take the service home, which we had not really promoted anywhere close to the extent we do now. We've increased the sales space on the shop, it's been open for over a year at Chestnut Street, to really try to promote bean sales and without a doubt, we've seen that side of the business grow. So we'll continue to try to reconnect with our customers, they come back to work, but extend that out to, you know, to sell, to selling beans, to selling coffee tastings, to selling you know, gift baskets and boxes, and all that good stuff to support our customers.

Ray Loewe18:25

So how much have you built up your website, because I know, a lot of people just never really took the time to learn how to brew coffee. I mean, I'm one of the guilty ones, I have my little Keurig at home. And but there's a difference, you know, when you take the time to actually brew stuff and smell the aroma and slow down it changes the whole aura of what coffee is all about. So what are you doing here to help people and then give us your website again, so everybody knows where to go?

Jeff Lincoln18:58

Sure. Well, one thing I believe doesn't matter what your situation is, we as a world have gone through this pandemic. And it is allowed and forced. All of us I believe to kind of reevaluate where we are in our, in our lives, and what we want and it has forced I think most of us to slow down just a little bit I know it has for me. And so you know along with that you hopefully you know, put your head up and look around and see the beautiful You know, birds and trees and tastes the delicious coffee, the great food that someone just made and you know that's really what life should be about is appreciate whatever you're doing at that moment and so, you know, great coffee falls right into that category of starting your morning off, you know, with a smile and wow, that's tasty. You know, instead of just rushing off and downing the cup of coffee to wake up to commute in and, you know, run through your day. So, it you know, it kind of it really helps that a lot of people have that same point of view and, you know, appreciation across the board. And whatever you're doing is I think, hopefully, what we all have taken away from this difficult period. Great.

Ray Loewe20:20

Kristine, we are getting near the end of our time, unfortunately. So do you have any final comments that you want to add? Then we'll let Jeff come back? 

Kris Parsons20:26

Yeah, sure. Well, I just want to thank Jeff for coming back. And, you know, telling us how he was inspired by some of the programs that we have done these past couple months, actually, almost over a year now. And that we hope we've inspired other people to listen and go back to listen to his episode and hear more about that. And we would love everyone to come onto our website, I know, it's long, but it's all one word, And there'll be information about the November 6 event, this will be our first in-person, friends connection event since the pandemic started, and we're still hoping it'll be in person, we're pretty certain it will be. 

Ray Loewe21:11

You know, Jeff, you indicated that you picked up some inspiration. But it goes the other way too. I think every time I get a chance to do one of these podcasts, I get inspired again because I'm looking at the people out there that have to face these issues. And the people we interview are different. Because they don't you know stand in a corner and hide, you know, they actually sit down and dig out the solutions and figure out how they're going to package them and make things happen. And it's the difference between the luckiest people in the world who play by their rules. So thanks again, Jeff, for being one of us. And we appreciate you much.

Kris Parsons21:50

You're one of the club.

Jeff Lincoln21:53

Well, you guys have been an inspiration. And certainly, you know, I do encourage people to go back and listen to some of the other podcasts because just some great guests you guys have had on and some great interviews. And, you know, it is just wonderful and inspiring to just hear how people are doing their different businesses and trying to help change the world. And their lives. You know, one day at a time.

Ray Loewe22:16

Let's drink coffee, right? right is where we go to get all of this stuff. We're going to be talking more about our November 6 event, which I think is great. You know, we're going to spend a couple of hours slurping coffee, and we're allowed to slurp. And, and all of this stuff. And Jeff, thanks for being part of our community. And thanks for being you and have a great day everybody.

Jeff Lincoln22:47

Take care. Thanks.

Kris Parsons22:49

Thank you for listening to changing the rules, a weekly podcast about people who are living their best life and how you can figure out how to do that too. Join us with your lively host of Ray Loewe, better known as the luckiest guy in the world.